Thursday, May 1, 2008

Just A Couple More

This is how I found her this morning.

I think it looks comfortable. Don't you? :)

A Few More April Pics

Hello there Mr. Giraffe.

I Love You!

This is how I found her yesterday morning.

Stretch it out.

Good morning Mommy.

Better Late Than Never

I finally got a free minute to get something posted. But first, isn't is Spring yet? Already May 1st, but it still feels kinda like late March to me. Oh well, it should show up sometime, right? Sofia turned 10 months old on April 17. And, like always, I'm right on the ball about writing about it. We weighed and measured her. She now weighs 22 1/2 lbs and is 29 inches long (give or take, she was pretty squirmy while we were trying to measure her). Let's see, she can finally crawl in the usual manner (she actually did it for the first time this evening), and she is able to pull herself into a standing position and cruise a little bit. We still have no teeth though. That's okay by me, I guess. No biting! :) I can't believe that in only a month and a half, she'll be 1. Where does the time go? I know more has gone on since I last posted, but I better get some more pictures posted, then get myself to bed. Until next time, enjoy some new pictures.

Soaking up the sun with Aunt Jeanie

Watching Rocky being a goof

C'mon Mom, no more pictures. Please?!

I said, "No more!"

All right, but this is the last one.