Our drive to Seattle took us through the Cascade Mountains in Washington. I'm not sure if the pictures will do them justice, but they were gorgeous. Unfortunately, Sofia wasn't used to mountain driving and got a little (ok a lot) carsick along the way. Nothing like cleaning up vomit, on a mountain in the middle of nowhere. But after that episode, she was good as new. After a few hours, we made it to Seattle. We checked into our motel, then made our way to the Space Needle. The view from up there is incredible. We then took the monorail downtown to find something to eat. Sofia loved that, she loves any kind of train. After eating, we rode the monorail back to Space Needle park to get some souveniers. We then went back to the motel for the night to get some sleep before exploring Seattle the next day.
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
Girls' Trip to the West - Part 3
Posted by Jennie at 12:52 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, June 6, 2012
Girls' Trip to the West - Part 2
We left Couer d' Alene the next morning and headed into Washington. Our next stop was our cousin, Rory, and his wife, Shine's house in Oroville. Before we arrived at their house, though, we stopped at the Grand Coulee Dam. We got to Oroville a little before noon on the 4th of July. They took us to go pick cherries, but it turned out they weren't quite ready yet. It didn't stop me from doing some sampling. Cherries right off the tree are delicious! We went back to their house for some dinner. In the meantime, Rory and Shine's oldest son, Robert (on home from leave in the Navy) and his wife, Dawson, surprised Shine. She didn't think he was going to be off leave until later. :) Later on, the boys put on a smokebomb show and after that, the town of Oroville set off their fireworks. The next morning we had some breakfast and were on our way again. Destination: Seattle.
Posted by Jennie at 11:25 AM 0 comments