Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Here's What's New

Sorry it's been a while since the last post, but there hasn't been a whole lot going on. Lee returned to work at Bobcat in mid-February to work only 2 full weeks and then be told they were going to a partial layoff. This week he works 4 days, then the rest of March only 2 days a week. And, so it goes. There isn't anything we can do about so we'll just carry on.

Sofia is doing well. She's got all her first molars in now. Oddly she still hasn't cut her 2nd set of bottom teeth or any of her incisors. I think the 2nd bottom ones are starting to make their appearance, but it's hard to tell. Nothing about her teeth has been normal, other than they're healthy, which is always good. She's saying more words, more than I can count really. She's pretty good at counting to 10 and saying A, B, C. She's always on the go, talking a mile a minute usually.

Last Wednesday we had to deal with her first bout with a stomach virus. It was so unexpected. She acted fine until lunchtime. Then the projectile vomiting began which scared the both of us. It only lasted about 10 hours, but that was quite enough to last me for a long time. Through it all she kept up her bubbly personality, talking and smiling in between bouts of throwing up. She's a trooper. :)

This last weekend, we finally got to take a mini-vacation. My cousin Deb's son Patrick played in a baseball tournament in the Metrodome. So, their family (minus Mitch) from California and my aunt Loretta and uncle Arnold from Wyoming all flew into Minneapolis. Then, members of my family drove there to meet up with them. Although we didn't get to see Patrick play (he played Friday night before we got there), it was so good to see them and spend a little time with them. Sofia had so much fun with the twins, Hayley and Kelsey, and I got to try ice skating again for the first time in a very long time (I now remember why I don't skate). Furthermore, it was just nice to get away. Hopefully, we'll see them in May for Jessie's wedding and Grandma's 100th birthday.

Basically that's what we've been up to lately. Not a whole lot, but with Spring coming (soon, I hope) it will get a lot busier. Hopefully, I'll post sometime before then though. :)


Composing a song with lyrics (Oh Toodles!)

Perfecting her crayon masterpiece (Notice the use of the left hand, she's after her left-handed mother's heart)

Getting ready to clip her nails - Personal hygiene is so important

Playing on her stroller

Watching cartoons in Mom's chair

Kelsey, Hayley, Me, and Jessie at the hotel skating rink

At the dome after Patrick's game on Sunday
