Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Ugh. Time.

Since I basically write this blog for myself, skipping posts for the last several months is probably no big deal. But, I did want this whole thing for my own posterity, and I've failed miserably. The truth is: I don't have time. Weak, I know. Actually, it's more, I don't want to make time. I work 4 days a week, with Wednesdays off. I have my weekends off. But, I like my free time to be spent with the people I love. And, uploading photos to this site is time-consuming, and that bugs me. But, I think I'm going to try to do better. I've got 2 kiddos now, and you would hardly know it by the look of this site. Actually, by the look of this site, it appears our family has fallen off the earth. To quick update, Sofia is 5. She'll soon be finishing Kindergarten (sob) and turning 6 in June. She is a dictionary of words, and she uses them correctly. She loves school, but I think she's burnt out. She is SO ready for summer vacation. She is one of the happiest people (old or young) that I've ever met. She's got a soft heart, but can be stubborn. She loves people, but values her alone time. She LOVES dinosaurs. I can't even explain how much she loves them. And, she loves Mario Brothers. Her conversation usually revolves around one or the other, although she can sometimes work them both in. She is just the greatest kid in the world. I haven't met too many people that haven't fallen in love with her as soon as they've met her. She's been surrounded by love her whole life, and she gives all of it right back. She truly is the sweetest little girl you'll ever meet. I may be biased, but I do think it's true. My favorite little boy, Jacob, turned 8 months old on April 18th. He's a bruiser. His weight isn't extreme, he's just solid. And, tall. His smiles light up my day. And, although he was (and still can be) moody when he was littler, he is usually so happy. He's a ham. He doesn't crawl yet, but can get around if he needs to. Which he doesn't, because people are more than happy to carry him around. No teeth yet, but Sofia didn't get her first one until around 15 months, so I expect the same from him. And, he babbles constantly. Lots of da-da-da, ma-ma-ma and other nonsensical words. If he keeps talking the way he does as he gets older, he's going to out-talk Sofia. And, I didn't think that was possible. Compared to Sofia, he's been a difficult baby. But, take that with a grain of salt. Sofia was the easiest baby ever. No lie. Jacob is just a normal baby. But, so lovable. He loves to give hugs and big, sloppy kisses. He always has a smile ready for you and laughs so easily. Just a happy baby. I just love to kiss those cheeks and squeeze him. He's getting too big too fast, but I'm trying to soak it all up while I can. So, I better wrap up for now. I'll try to do better in the future. I promise.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Meeting Jacob

Some pics of our family and friends meeting Jacob for the first time in the hospital. Thanks everyone for coming to see us!

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Jacob Lee Hanna is Here!!

After the last couple of miserable, uncomfortable months, our baby finally decided to make his debut. Early in the morning of August 18, my water broke, although I wasn't exactly sure that's what was going on. I thought I had peed my pants. Lovely. I informed Lee of what had happened, and he was all gung-ho about leaving right that second. For once, I kept my sanity and called the hospital to find out the correct procedure. They told me to lie down for a while, and if it happened again, to give them another call. So, after about 5 or 10 minutes, it happened again. Another call, and this time they gave us the go-ahead to come to Fargo. I called my Mom to come out and stay with Sofia, and when she got here, out the door we went. I started having some mild contractions on the way to Fargo, but nothing too painful. After we arrived, and they confirmed that my water had indeed broke, they got us into a delivery room, got all the bells and whistles hooked up, and waited for me to dilate. Since my water had broke and I was 3 centimeters, they told me I could have my epidural at any time. No need to ask me twice. And, right away, it was pure bliss...until the epidural started wearing off. The nurse had forgotten to connect the happy drugs to my IV. So, for what seemed like eternity (but was actually only about a half hour), I was in contraction hell which was not helped by the fact that they hooked me up to pitocin at the same time the epidural started wearing off. Yes, timing really is everything. The anesthesiologist was kind enough to come back my room and give me another bolus. Ahhh, back on cloud nine. From then on, I dilated pretty rapidly. Soon, it was time to push. And after only a few pushes, Jacob Lee came into our lives at 10:46 am. And...I was shocked our baby was a boy. I guess I had it in my head that we'd have another girl. No matter, though, because it was love at first sight. Seriously, when they laid him on my chest, it was like he'd always been a part of our lives. So natural. My parents and Sofia stopped into the delivery room to see Jacob, and let's just say that Sofia wasn't all that impressed by getting a brother. She'd had her heart set on a sister since she'd found out. Then the nurse came in to weigh him, measure him and take his vital signs. He weighed in at 8 pounds 5 ounces and was 21 inches long. Perfect. Pretty soon, they had me up and to the bathroom and on my way to our actual room. We were all wheeled down together. And, I was so happy because Jacob would finally get to meet all the people who loved him before they even knew him. We are absolutely, over the moon, in love with our little boy!

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Stationery card

Jacob's Birth Announcement - One of these days I'll update with the details of his arrival and our time at home. Been a little busy. :)

Happy Baby Boy Birth Announcement
Personalized invitations for babies, high school graduations, & more.
View the entire collection of cards.

Friday, August 17, 2012

Baby Hanna

Ok, I've FINALLY caught up on all of my pictures. I will have to go back to edit them to explain what's going on, but loading the pictures took a huge amount of time, and time is of the essence right now. We are (mostly me) anxiously and impatiently waiting for the baby's (in the pics below) arrival. My due date was yesterday, so I'm trying to not let frustration get the better of me. However, I have never been more uncomfortable in my life. I don't remember ever feeling this way with Sofia. And, it didn't help that this past July was the hottest on record since the beginning of time, or something close to that. So, I am more than ready to hold this baby in my arms instead of in my midsection. This pregnancy I didn't take any sideways maternity poses just because I've felt so crappy and in no mood to pose for the camera. But, I wanted to get these pictures on here because if this baby doesn't come on its own (and it's looking like it won't), my doctor has scheduled an induction for Sunday, so I do have an end date. The reason for the induction is because Sofia starts Kindergarten next Wenesday. And, I didn't want to take the chance of being in labor or in the hospital and missing her first day of school. Nothing like cutting it close and making it interesting. Story of my life. Anyhow, next time I post, hopefully I will have a baby at home and a little girl in school. I don't think it will be sooner. :) Wish me luck!

A Night at the Races

Belated 4th of July