Saturday, February 27, 2010

Monster Trucks and Pigtails

Here are some photos I had on my camera that I haven't posted yet. We are doing well, waiting mostly for winter to end. Isn't that right around the corner yet? Sofia is doing really good. Aside from the usual winter colds, she's been pretty healthy. She's finally getting her upper 2nd-year molars. Once those come in, she will FINALLY have all her teeth. Yippee!!

Potty training continues. It has its peaks and its valleys. Some days she does really well, some days...not so much. If anybody has any tips on what the key to success is, I'm all ears. All in all though, there's progress, and that's all that matters. I'm just sick of buying diapers, changing diapers, looking at diapers, etc. Well, you get the picture.

We've had some sad moments since I last wrote too. Lee's Grandma Marcy passed away in late January after a long illness. We miss her so much. Although it's nice to get together with family, I wish it didn't usually have to be under sad circumstances.

The only things we've really done I guess have been going to see the Monster Truck in early February and seeing our local high school basketball teams in Districts and Regionals. Our girls team just placed 3rd in Regionals. Quite an accomplishment! Go Bison!

Anyhow, that's about it. Once spring rolls around we'll be able to do so much more, but until that time we'll wait out Old Man Winter. But, it's getting tougher to swallow the cold and snow. So, think Spring everybody!!