Sunday, July 22, 2012

King Firetruck Stick

At the beginning of December, Lee's brother Jamie's puppies were ready to go to new homes. There was some debate about what kind they were. We did know that they were half Springer Spaniel, and that was about it. However, it was decided to get Sofia a puppy, so we went to pick one out. I wanted a male, and Sofia chose this one. And for a name she picked King Firetruck Stick. Originality at its finest. He's been a good puppy, for the most part. He and I butt heads often, but he likes it here, and we've never had a problem with him running off. I think he'll be a good dog, once the puppy is more out of him. Fingers crossed. Wasn't he adorable when we first brought him home?

Thanksgiving 2011

Thanksgiving was a bit different in 2011 than in other years. Not because there was no snow, that's been done before. But, the temps outside were nice enough to be out without a coat. Sofia and Emma played outside for awhile like that until we decided that they should probably put a coat on. But, later on, we even had a bonfire, it was so nice. I don't expect every Thanksgiving to be like that, obviously. But, it was a nice change.

Scenes from Our House

Saturday, July 14, 2012


In November, Lee and I took Sofia to Fargo for couple of nights' stay at a motel with a pool. She was so happy to go swimming, for one morning. Then, she was over it. :) But, we did other fun things too. It was just nice to get away, even if it wasn't that far away.

Signs of Fall

Just a few pics from last fall. Lee cut and split a ton of wood in order to prepare for the type of winter we'd been having the last few years. I am happy to report we only burned a small portion of the wood pile we have. North Dakota was good to us in the winter department this year. The last pic is Murray enjoying himself in the warm, autumn sunshine.

Halloween 2011

Some pictures from Halloween. Sofia wanted to be a pirate like Izzy on Jake and the Neverland Pirates, and I thought the costume we found for her was pretty awesome. She loved it, especially the sword. After we got her dressed, we headed into town for the kiddie Halloween parade. Then, it was time for trick-or-treating. We only went to a few houses and then back home. She had a great time, and we've already been talking about what she's going to be this year. However, it changes every week. That's my girl.


Just some picture of Sofia and her freshly carved pumpkin. She actually let us cut into one this year instead of just drawing on it.