Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Halloween 2009

It was Halloween this past weekend. And, we finally had a beautiful weekend. The weather here has been horrible the past month. Raining every other day, cold, just plain yucky. But, Mother Nature decided to celebrate the holiday also and give us a bit of a break. This year Sofia dressed as Minnie Mouse. I picked out her costume again, and I think she looked pretty darn cute. But, I am biased. :) We did go a few places for trick-or-treating. And, for those few places, she received a TON of candy. She had a lot of fun saying "Trick-or-treat!" and "Halloween!". Every year it's more fun!

As far as Sofia goes, her canines are finally through! It's funny now to see her with those spaces filling in. My mom is still working on potty training with her. Not a whole lot of progress yet, but she tries. Although potty training terrifies me, I know I need to step up and help too. That's an understatement, huh? Although I'm tired of buying diapers, she'll get it in her own time. Also, next month, she'll be 2 1/2. Where does the time go? Her vocabulary is massive, and I don't think I'm bragging when I say that either. She speaks in full sentences, talks pretty clearly (most of the time), and is always asking questions. She loves cartoons, puzzles, coloring, and pretty much anything else a 2-year old loves. Every day brings something new, and she keeps us on our toes. I think she likes it that way. :)

Here's the pics from Halloween:

So excited for Halloween!

Minnie Mouse

Outside with her pumpkin, Perry - it's a long story.

Lee and Sofia

Me and Sofia - she would close her eyes and say, "Cheeeeese!".

Eyes open on this one

At James and Robbie's - checking Cheryl's heartbeat

Sofia and Robbie - Sofia looks like Halloween got the best of her