Thursday, August 12, 2010

Emma's 3rd Birthday Party

On August 1st, my brother and his wife had a birthday party for Emma, who turned 3 at the end of July. Aside from the weather, which was hot and humid, the day was great. They had wonderful food, and Emma received a lot of awesome gifts, including a 4-wheeler from Katie's side of the family. She was one excited little girl and willing to give rides to anyone who wanted one. :) Happy 3rd Birthday Emma! We love you! Thanks again Katie and Jeremy!

3-Year Wellness Check

At the end of July, Sofia had her 3-year wellness check. So, we headed up to Fargo to show the doctor how big Sofia had gotten in the last year. They weighed and measured her like usual. She is now 38.1 inches (3 feet 2 inches) tall which is the 71st percentile, and she weighed 32 pounds and almost 4 ounces which is the 62nd percentile. According to the doctor, she's still maintaining the same growth pattern as before, which is good. During her checkup, the doctor asked her to do numerous things like say her ABC's or count. Now, these are things that Sofia can do easily, but she decided that she wanted to be stubborn instead. Such a little stinker! However, the doctor did believe me when I told that Sofia knew her ABC's, numbers up to about 13, her colors, so many words, and everything else she can do. It was a great checkup until we were informed that she would need a vaccination during this visit, which was a surprise. Sofia wasn't too pleased with the nurse who took her by surprise with the needle poke either. The look of betrayal on her face was pretty heartbreaking. Sofia doesn't cry easily, so when the tears started falling, I felt horrible. After a few minutes and a sticker, she forgot all about it, and we were on our way. All in all, a good checkup minus the shot. :(

Sacked out after her big day in Fargo

Storybook Land

The week after 4th of July, we went camping at Silver Lake. We decided Tuesday that we would take a trip down to Aberdeen to visit Storybook Land. It was both Sofia's and my first trip there. It was really cool! I don't know how to really describe it except that there are statues of nursery rhyme, storybook, and Wizard of Oz characters throughout the park. I know I could give a better explanation, but you just have to see it for yourself. Bonus: free admission! Everything is paid for by donations. And there was a train that took you around the whole park. Sofia was thrilled with that since she loves trains! We had a great time!

The wishing well in front of the Visitor Center

A blurred family picture (compliments of the camera, not the photographer)

An even blurrier one

Sofia, in one of the cutouts

The Little Engine that Could (Sofia was thrilled: Another Train!)

So Happy!

Sitting on the Lion and the Mouse

One of the Three Little Kittens

I don't remember if this was Little Bo Peep or Mary and her Little Lamb

3 Years Old!!

On Sofia's actual birthday, she opened up a few gifts from us. It was a pretty low-key day since we had done so much celebrating the previous weekend. She was pretty happy with all of her gifts, but she's usually pretty easy to please.

And, for my own memory, she finally achieved being fully potty trained about a week later. Yay!!! I finally just decided to do away with diapers and pull-ups and just have her in underwear. It didn't take her long to get the idea that being wet or dirty in underwear was kind of gross (well being wet or dirty in a diaper is gross too, but I digress). And, she's been doing great ever since. I wish I had tried it sooner, it might have saved me weeks of frustration. :) We've had a few accidents during naptime and bedtime, but it's pretty infrequent. I am so proud of my big girl!! Way to go Sofia!!

1st Redhawks Game

For Sofia's birthday, we took her to her first professional baseball game. Lee, Jessie, Sofia, and I went the day after her birthday party. Although it was a bit cool, it didn't rain. And, thanks to coupons that Jessie had, we had great seats and a free meal. Can't beat that! Sofia was really interested in it right away, but it got a little long for her. But, they do provide entertainment between innings, so that helped. And, the Redhawks won! Afterwards we went to Sofia's favorite place to eat, Space Aliens. Overall, it was a wonderful day!

The lovely Hawkeye hat Aunt Jessie bought for her.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Sofia's 3rd Birthday Party

We celebrated Sofia's 3rd birthday the weekend before her actual birthday day. We decided to have her party at the park because the kids would have swings and things to play on. However, the weather didn't really want to cooperate with us. It had rained earlier in the day, and was cloudy and muggy by the time of the party. But, everyone was good sports about it and showed up anyway. :) Sofia received lots of great things (mostly Cars related, which was heaven to her), and we made the best of it.

I can't believe she's already 3 years old. How did time pass by so fast? She's a wonderful little girl. I know I'm biased but she truly is. Although she has her moments, for the most part, she's smart, polite, happy, good-natured, sweet. Basically what makes little children sweet and lovable, she is. We are truly blessed that she is our daughter. I wouldn't change a thing about her...well maybe I'd like her to listen a little better and not be so stubborn. :) But, I'll gladly put up with those moments to keep her just as she is. Love you Pumpkin!! Try not to not grow up so fast.