Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Sofia's 3rd Birthday Party

We celebrated Sofia's 3rd birthday the weekend before her actual birthday day. We decided to have her party at the park because the kids would have swings and things to play on. However, the weather didn't really want to cooperate with us. It had rained earlier in the day, and was cloudy and muggy by the time of the party. But, everyone was good sports about it and showed up anyway. :) Sofia received lots of great things (mostly Cars related, which was heaven to her), and we made the best of it.

I can't believe she's already 3 years old. How did time pass by so fast? She's a wonderful little girl. I know I'm biased but she truly is. Although she has her moments, for the most part, she's smart, polite, happy, good-natured, sweet. Basically what makes little children sweet and lovable, she is. We are truly blessed that she is our daughter. I wouldn't change a thing about her...well maybe I'd like her to listen a little better and not be so stubborn. :) But, I'll gladly put up with those moments to keep her just as she is. Love you Pumpkin!! Try not to not grow up so fast.