Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Project 365 - April 11-17

Okay, truth be told: It's hard to think of something to take a picture of every day. So, I haven't been as true to this as I wanted to be. I'm trying, but I've skipped a few days here and there. Sometimes I can't think of anything, and sometimes I just forget. But, I'll keep at it. It will be kind of nice to look back and see (most of) the last in year in review.

April 11 - Making sure the lawn mower is working condition...if we ever get to use it.

April 12 - Proof that Sofia is my daughter.

April 13 - New Foo Fighters CD. I listened to this for about 2 weeks straight.

April 14 - The new books I received in the mail that day.

Sadly, I don't have pictures from the 15th (my Dad's birthday, even - Happy Birthday Dad!), the 16th or the 17th. So that's it for this week.