Sunday, August 10, 2008


Thought I'd better post about Sofia's latest accomplishment: WALKING! As I mentioned in an earlier post, she had been taking a few tentative steps. And, I won't go so far as to say that she's going to be winning any races just yet, but she will take off independently. She still prefers crawling around most of the time, but she does get a lot of joy and pride from moving from place to place on two legs. It's only a matter of time before this will be her preferred method of transportation. A few pictures and a short video of this newest achievement. Way to go Sofia, we're so proud of you!


Mike, Amanda, Dane, and Nora said...

Yay, Sofia! I hope you have you running shoes ready, Mom!

Mike, Amanda, Dane, and Nora said...

Oops, that's supposed to say YOUR running shoes. That's what happens when I try to type with one hand while I hold Nora in the other!