Wednesday, October 22, 2008

15-Month Checkup

Last Friday, Lee, Sofia, and I went to Fargo for her 15-month checkup. Actually she turned 16 months old that day, so we were a month late. Oh well. The nurse who did her measurements measured her at 25 lbs. 6 oz., 29 1/2 inches long. Now, if you read my post from Sofia's 12-month checkup, she was 29 3/4 inches long. So, unless she's shrinking, somebody measured her wrong. Of course, this nurse blamed the nurse from her 12-month appointment. I, on the other hand, think this nurse made the mistake. Lee and I measured her last night, and we got her at 31 1/2 inches. Anyhow, the rest of the checkup went just fine. The doctor looked at her and said she's doing wonderfully. I also had her take a look at her teeth, and she said that although she's a late teether, she can see that a few more are ready to pop out soon. At the checkup Sofia had 3 teeth, and I noticed today that another has popped out, so we're finally getting some progress there. Sofia also received some shots this appointment and won't have any more until her 2-year appointment. Thank goodness! Anyhow, I'm going to wrap this up because Sofia is not letting me type anymore. Thanks for stopping by!

Sofia at Stefanie's

Playing her Fridge DJ (I have video of her dancing but couldn't get it to post)

Dancing with all the kiddos at the benefit on Saturday

Untying her shoes (she loves to do this, then take her shoes and socks off)