Thursday, October 29, 2009

We Still Exist

I know, I know. A public flogging should be in order for my lack of attention to this blog, but I'm hoping that won't be necessary. I do have an update I've been meaning to do for ohhhh about a month now concerning our trip out to Mandan for Lee's mom's wedding, but whenever I decide I'm going to dedicate myself to doing it, something else comes up. Typical.

Anyhow, I will be updating in the very near future with not only the wedding weekend pics, but with Halloween pics also, since that's happening on Saturday. And, I must say that I think Sofia's costume is awesome. Although, it's going to be a shame that no one will probably see it due to the weather that's in the forecast. Reminds me of the days when we would have to wear our snowsuits underneath our fabulous, plastic Supergirl costumes. I just love North Dakota! Can you feel the sarcasm?

But, before I leave for today, I just want to welcome to the world (a little late) the newest addition to the Hanna family. Lee's brother Jamie and his girlfriend Sarah had their baby boy! Benjamin Jack Hanna was born Monday, October 19, and he's quite adorable, if I do say so myself. We haven't met him in person yet (due to me having what I thought was pink eye last weekend - that could be a post within itself), but I'm hoping we get to very soon. Here's a picture.

Anyhow, hopefully you'll be hearing from me after this weekend. If you don't, may the flogging begin. :)