Friday, June 18, 2010

More Sofia-isms

I know I have some catching up to do since I'm way behind. But, I'm not able to upload pics very easily, so once I figure it out, I'll update with posts and pics. Until then I leave you with more words by Sofia. :)

Me: Sofia, roll over so I can lay down. Sofia: No Mommy, I no roll over. I scootch over.

Sofia: Mommy, it's wong. Me: What's wrong? Sofia: It's all wong. ~~ Hmmm, deva ju maybe? I think I recall Sofia's aunt saying these exact words when she was 4, circa Christmas 1982.

After making me soup, toast and memonade in her Minnie Mouse kitchen, Sofia instructed me to "eat all your soup and toast." After saying that she grabbed the plastic piece of toast, pointed it at my mouth and said, "Here comes the choo-choo train."

Old McDonald had a farm, and on his farm he had a duck. With a Donald quack-quack here, and a Donald quack-quack there, Old McDonald had a farm.

Sofia (while scrunching her nose): "Mommy, it smells like poop outside." Me: "I don't know, I just think it smells kinda lakey." Sofia: "No, it smells like poop." Me: "Ok you're right, I really don't want to argue about poop this morning."

Sofia: "Mommy, I need a bowl on my head." Me: "A bowl? Why do you need a bowl on your head?" Sofia: "Because it's Happy Birthday time." Me: "What does a bowl on your head have to do with...oh do you mean bow?" Sofia: "Yes. A bowl. On my head."

Sofia: Mommy, what shoes are these? Me: They're the same shoes you've been wearing all week. You're goofy. Sofia: No I'm not. Goofy is on the tv.

Sofia: Mommy, it's raining again. Me: No, it's not raining right now. Sofia: Oh. But it will soon though Mommy.

Sofia: Yay!! Me: What? Sofia: It's a sunny day tonight!!

My daughter pointed out to me, earlier this morning, a pimple on her chin. And, she actually said the word "pimple". Not even 3, and she's already developing teenage acne. Perfect.

At Walmart today, Sofia told me she needed me to buy her some cookies, then emphasizing her point by saying, "I love them! They're dewicious!"

As I put Sofia to bed tonight I said to her, "Three years old. Where did the time go?" She said, "I don't know. But there's the clock."