Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Monster Trucks - 2011

I know that I'm way behind, but I'm going to see how much I can get updated while I'm sitting here without getting distracted by Facebook, iTunes, or anything else. Oops, too late, had to check my iTunes player. :) Oh well.

Back in the beginning in February, Lee and I took Sofia to the Monster Trucks in Fargo. My girl is such a tomboy. She loves trucks, cars, trains, anything boy-toyish. Yet, she tells me her favorite color is pink, she loves her long hair, and whenever she wears something new she tells me how cute it is. So, she's girly too. I think it's the perfect combination. Oh, and she loves shoes. A girl after my own heart.

But, back to the monster trucks. She loved them. And Gravedigger was back, so Lee was happy about that. We had a good time. Our trip to Space Aliens after is another story, but I'll spare you the details of the incident, which I ranted about on Facebook when we got home. Let's just say, they might have to pay me to ever step foot in there again. Then because the floor is so sticky (carpet I might add) they'd have me trapped. But, I digress.

Here are some pics from that day. I was trying out my new camera. I have a ways to go yet, but I do know that my old camera would have never been able to get some of these pics.