Wednesday, July 30, 2008


I really don't know where the last month has gone. Seems like summer just started, and now it's quickly approaching its end. Yuck. I haven't been too diligent about taking pictures and updating our blog, but we've been pretty busy this month, with both good and bad things. Won't dwell on the sad things, but everything has kept us pretty busy. 4th of July, Milnor's 125th Centennial, birthday parties, softball, and just general life. I'm am happy to say that my brother and his family did make it home this month for Milnor's celebration. We all wish they lived a little closer so we could see them more often, though. :) As for our Sofia, well, she's growing up too fast for me. Although still not walking and no teeth to speak of, I can say that she has taken a few independent steps, and I can feel a bump on her lower gums, so a tooth must be ready to make its appearance. Things are moving along slowly, but really in Sofia's own time. And, that's the only time that matters, anyhow. She doesn't really speak actual words, but she is quite the chatterbox. Talking and talking all the time. It's pretty cute. But, anyhow, not really a whole lot to report. We've just been living life here, one day at a time. But, I better get to feeding Sofia her lunch. So, here's some pictures. I'll try to write again, sooner than later. :)

Hanging out after the parade in McLeod - 4th of July

League Champions

Our niece, Evelyn, hoarding her candy during Milnor's 125th Centennial Parade

My uncle, John, driving his tractor during the parade

Nothing comes between a girl and her shoes

Our nephew, Zachary


Watching Mulan intently

Emma's 1st Birthday party

I foresee trouble in the future. :)


Angie said...

Hi Jennie,
Sounds like you guys have had a busy summer, we have too. It's going way too fast. Where are you working? I actually got a job as a transcriptionist at Family Medical Clinic in Lisbon, with Dr. Sheets-Olson. It's only for 3 days a week which is perfect for right now.
I had to comment about Sofia's teeth, or lack thereof I guess! I truly wouldn't worry about it, all kids are soo different. Chloe is 18 months old and she has 16 teeth. And brushing them isn't much fun!! My cousin's little girl is 25 months old and only has 2 teeth. Either way, Sofia is a little doll just the way she is! :)
Little Emma sure is cute too, I can't believe she is 1 already.
Have a fun rest of the summer!