Friday, August 17, 2012

Baby Hanna

Ok, I've FINALLY caught up on all of my pictures. I will have to go back to edit them to explain what's going on, but loading the pictures took a huge amount of time, and time is of the essence right now. We are (mostly me) anxiously and impatiently waiting for the baby's (in the pics below) arrival. My due date was yesterday, so I'm trying to not let frustration get the better of me. However, I have never been more uncomfortable in my life. I don't remember ever feeling this way with Sofia. And, it didn't help that this past July was the hottest on record since the beginning of time, or something close to that. So, I am more than ready to hold this baby in my arms instead of in my midsection. This pregnancy I didn't take any sideways maternity poses just because I've felt so crappy and in no mood to pose for the camera. But, I wanted to get these pictures on here because if this baby doesn't come on its own (and it's looking like it won't), my doctor has scheduled an induction for Sunday, so I do have an end date. The reason for the induction is because Sofia starts Kindergarten next Wenesday. And, I didn't want to take the chance of being in labor or in the hospital and missing her first day of school. Nothing like cutting it close and making it interesting. Story of my life. Anyhow, next time I post, hopefully I will have a baby at home and a little girl in school. I don't think it will be sooner. :) Wish me luck!