Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Jacob Lee Hanna is Here!!

After the last couple of miserable, uncomfortable months, our baby finally decided to make his debut. Early in the morning of August 18, my water broke, although I wasn't exactly sure that's what was going on. I thought I had peed my pants. Lovely. I informed Lee of what had happened, and he was all gung-ho about leaving right that second. For once, I kept my sanity and called the hospital to find out the correct procedure. They told me to lie down for a while, and if it happened again, to give them another call. So, after about 5 or 10 minutes, it happened again. Another call, and this time they gave us the go-ahead to come to Fargo. I called my Mom to come out and stay with Sofia, and when she got here, out the door we went. I started having some mild contractions on the way to Fargo, but nothing too painful. After we arrived, and they confirmed that my water had indeed broke, they got us into a delivery room, got all the bells and whistles hooked up, and waited for me to dilate. Since my water had broke and I was 3 centimeters, they told me I could have my epidural at any time. No need to ask me twice. And, right away, it was pure bliss...until the epidural started wearing off. The nurse had forgotten to connect the happy drugs to my IV. So, for what seemed like eternity (but was actually only about a half hour), I was in contraction hell which was not helped by the fact that they hooked me up to pitocin at the same time the epidural started wearing off. Yes, timing really is everything. The anesthesiologist was kind enough to come back my room and give me another bolus. Ahhh, back on cloud nine. From then on, I dilated pretty rapidly. Soon, it was time to push. And after only a few pushes, Jacob Lee came into our lives at 10:46 am. And...I was shocked our baby was a boy. I guess I had it in my head that we'd have another girl. No matter, though, because it was love at first sight. Seriously, when they laid him on my chest, it was like he'd always been a part of our lives. So natural. My parents and Sofia stopped into the delivery room to see Jacob, and let's just say that Sofia wasn't all that impressed by getting a brother. She'd had her heart set on a sister since she'd found out. Then the nurse came in to weigh him, measure him and take his vital signs. He weighed in at 8 pounds 5 ounces and was 21 inches long. Perfect. Pretty soon, they had me up and to the bathroom and on my way to our actual room. We were all wheeled down together. And, I was so happy because Jacob would finally get to meet all the people who loved him before they even knew him. We are absolutely, over the moon, in love with our little boy!