Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Sofia Janice Hanna

Well, she finally made it! Sofia Janice Hanna was born on June 17 at 12:55 a.m. She weighed 7 lb 3 oz and is 19 inches long. She is a perfectly beautiful and healthy baby girl! Lee and I are so happy and proud. We came home from Fargo yesterday, and she got to spend her first night at home. It wasn't easy, but I think we'll learn more each day, and it will get easier. We just love her!

Thursday, June 14, 2007

40 Weeks Picture

Here I am at 40 weeks. I'm one day over my due date. I still feel really good, so no complaints there. I started maternity leave yesterday. Just waiting for the baby to make its appearance. I finally scheduled an appointment next week for the Fetal Stress Test and amniotic fluid test. I'll be going in Tuesday morning. We'll see how the baby is fairing if I'm still pregnant. Anyhow, not a whole lot to report on. Lee and I are just going to take it one day at a time.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

40 Weeks - Today's My Due Date!

Well, I finally reached week 40. Today is my due date, but no baby yet. I had an appointment with my doctor today. The baby is still active, the heartbeat was in the 140's, and is still headdown. I'm dilated about a centimeter, but not a full centimeter, and I'm about 50% effaced. I've lost a couple of pounds, which is a little confusing since I'm eating about the same. Oh well. The doctor set me up for an induction on Monday, June 25 at 6:30 a.m. But, he and especially I are hoping things will take a more natural course before then. He wants me to come back in about a week for another checkup. He wants to run a Fetal Stress Test and check out the amniotic fluid. I'm sure this is just to make sure the baby is still within a healthy environment. I guess we'll just have to wait and see and be patient, which isn't always easy for me. I'll try my best, but keep Lee in your thoughts. :)

Friday, June 8, 2007

39 Weeks

I had my 39 weeks' checkup yesterday. I met with the nurse practitioner again. Everything is good. The baby's heartbeat was in the 130's and was still headdown. I was dilated just a little bit. Not much, but it's progress I guess. So, not a whole lot has changed since last week. When I went to make my week 40 appointment, my doctor was still all booked up. They scheduled me with the NP again, but they made sure my appointment coincided with him being at the clinic. They figured the NP and he could get together to discuss me if I haven't delivered by that time. But, today when I got to work, the girl at the clinic called me and said my doctor had a cancellation next Wednesday and I could see him if I wanted. I didn't hesitate to say yes. If I'm going to have to be induced, I want my doctor to tell me to my face instead of having someone else do it over the phone. And, next Wednesday is my due date, so that works out just fine by me. Maybe the baby will decide to make its appearance before then, but I'm not going to hold my breath. Not that I could. I've developed a cold since last week and have been so stuffed up. But, the heartburn has gotten a little better. Still feeling really well also, aside from the cold. Anyhow, taking it one day at a time. 5 days until my due date!

Friday, June 1, 2007

38 Weeks

I had my 38 weeks' checkup yesterday. I didn't get to see my regular doctor, but I saw a nurse practitioner. Everything was normal and looking good. The baby's heartbeat was in the 140's, and movement has been good. Sometimes it feels like he/she is going to poke right through! But, lots of movement is reassuring. The NP also did a check and found that the baby is still head down (good), no dilation yet (okay), and the baby hasn't dropped yet (not great). Hopefully, he/she decides to make their move soon. But, she said everything seemed good, so that's all right by me. Then, I was informed that my regular doctor won't be in next week for my 39th week appointment and he's booked solid during my 40th week. :( So, they told me to meet with the same NP next week, and when we schedule my 40th week appointment, they'll have to do some rearranging so I can get in to see him, so we can talk about his feelings on induction and such if I haven't delivered by then. Which is looking like a good possibility. So, playing that by ear. Anyhow, still feeling pretty good but getting more anxious as each day passes. Will try to get a new belly picture up, just have to corner Lee to do it. :) 12 days until my due date!