Friday, June 1, 2007

38 Weeks

I had my 38 weeks' checkup yesterday. I didn't get to see my regular doctor, but I saw a nurse practitioner. Everything was normal and looking good. The baby's heartbeat was in the 140's, and movement has been good. Sometimes it feels like he/she is going to poke right through! But, lots of movement is reassuring. The NP also did a check and found that the baby is still head down (good), no dilation yet (okay), and the baby hasn't dropped yet (not great). Hopefully, he/she decides to make their move soon. But, she said everything seemed good, so that's all right by me. Then, I was informed that my regular doctor won't be in next week for my 39th week appointment and he's booked solid during my 40th week. :( So, they told me to meet with the same NP next week, and when we schedule my 40th week appointment, they'll have to do some rearranging so I can get in to see him, so we can talk about his feelings on induction and such if I haven't delivered by then. Which is looking like a good possibility. So, playing that by ear. Anyhow, still feeling pretty good but getting more anxious as each day passes. Will try to get a new belly picture up, just have to corner Lee to do it. :) 12 days until my due date!