Wednesday, September 26, 2007

3 Months, 1 Week, and 2 Days

Thought I should update this quick while I've got some free time, while Sofia naps. Well, it's hard to believe, but my little girl turned 3 months old last Monday. Time sure has flown by. We weighed her on Sunday using the primitive method of weighing myself, then weighing myself while holding her. She now weighs about 14 pounds! It's pretty crazy, but she's almost double what she weighed when she was born. I had her in last week to have her 3 month pictures taken as well. They went really well. Sofia was pretty smiley before and after, but not so much when they took the pictures. Oh well, she's her mother's girl. :) Not too much else to report on. Things are pretty much the same with me and Lee. Just enjoying Sofia and the new things she does every day. She's become quite the talker and smiler. She's getting really good at sitting up and holding her head. Any day now, and she'll be doing it on her own. She can roll onto her side but can't quite make the whole trip yet. All in due time. I'll try to keep this up a little better in the future. Anyhow, here's a few new pictures.

A brand, new Vikings fan. Go Vikings!

What?! What do you mean they lost to Kansas City?

It's tough work being 3 months old.