Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Some More Pics

Just thought I'd post a few more pics of Sofia. Tonight I was laughing at something she did, then she started laughing, which made me laugh even harder. She's so funny. I'm just amazed by the new things she does every day. She's started doing buh-buh-buh and mmm-mmm in her conversation, along with a lot of blowing bubbles and drool. :) I have to say that my favorite thing though is when she wakes from a nap. I go in to pick her up, and when she sees me, she smiles this huge smile. I just love it. She's such a happy baby. Lee and I couldn't be more lucky.

Hey, Mom's up to something...

Hi Mom!

I took this one myself. Can you tell?

Just a minute, I'm watching something.

Okay, now what did you need?