Thursday, October 25, 2007

Our Trip to Mandan

Last weekend, Lee, Sofia, and I took a trip to Mandan for Lee's mom's retirement party. It was our first overnight trip since we left the hospital. I was a little worried about how Sofia would be away from home, but my fears were unfounded. She did beautifully! She slept through the night both nights and was such a happy girl the whole time. We had a good time and now can't wait to do more traveling. A few pics from the party although I don't have one of Lee's mom, Karen...and, it was her party. :( Typical me. Sometimes I'm not very good with the camera and capturing the moment.

Robbie and Sofia, with Brandon in the background.

Jaden, Kelsey, and Patty on the dance floor.

Chris and Ron

Carter and Brian, with Hoss in the background.

Took this picture of Sofia on our way up to Fargo last week.