Monday, January 7, 2008


I don't have any pictures to post of this, but Sofia tried Cheerios yesterday for the first time. We broke them up in tiny pieces and let her eat them. First, she made a face, then kinda sucked on them for awhile, then swallowed them. At first I thought she was choking because she kind of coughed and hacked (which about gave me a heart attack and a giant guilt trip), but then I figured out that she'd never swallowed anything like that before and didn't know how it was supposed to feel. Still, we quit soon after. But, she has been trying different foods and seems to do all right with them. She still doesn't care to roll over, but she sits up for several minutes without support and can reach for toys near her without toppling over. Pretty cool!

I should mention that I turned 31 on the 4th. Not that I was too excited about it. Birthdays just don't seem to hold the same meaning they did before. Except that I'm older. We went out to supper with my family on Friday, then Lee and I went to Fargo for dinner and a movie on Saturday. So, I guess I'll start my new trip around the sun (to quote Jimmy Buffett) as a 31-year-old and see what the ride brings. I'm looking forward to it.