Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Christmas Train

Every year the Christmas Train passes through North Dakota some time in December, but we had never seen it before. Since Sofia loves trains, we decided that we would try to catch it this year. On the evening that it was traveling from Hankinson to Enderlin, we decided we would head to McLeod since the tracks pass through there. It had started to snow before we left, so we packed some hot chocolate for the trip. We got to McLeod about an hour before the train was to arrive so we would have a good parking spot. As it turns out, that didn't matter since other people decided to park in front of us. :( Finally, it was time. We made our way to the tracks and watched as it got closer and closer. Sofia was so excited when they blew the whistle as they arrived. Lee and I thought it was just going to pass through McLeod, but it stopped so people could get on and ride to Enderlin. We didn't know you could ride, but we'll have to look into that for next year. The train was beautiful against the night sky and snow. Sofia kept calling it the Polar Express. Pretty soon, it was time for it to pull out and move on. Although the weather was crappy, seeing the train was totally worth it. We had one happy little girl. :)