Wednesday, February 13, 2008


Something neat happened for Sofia this past Sunday. She made the cover of the Fargo Forum's special baby issue. We were so excited! The baby issue was done to commemorate the babies born in 2007. Anyone who has a baby that was born in 2007 was invited to send in a picture of their baby (with a nominal fee, of course), then they put it all together and send out the issue in a designated Sunday Forum. They called me a couple of weeks ago and asked if it would be okay if Sofia's picture was on the cover. I agreed, so now she's our own little cover girl. Pretty cool!

On a side note, just today I noticed that she's starting to push up to a bit of a crawling position when she's on her tummy. Maybe she will crawl after all. And, she's learned to spit or "blow raspberries". She loves doing it, so the spit's been flying lately. :) I guess that although it's messy, it's learning none-the-less. So, as far as I'm concerned, let 'er fly.

Here she is, our little "Covergirl"

A close-up of the picture

Playing in her crib

Having a good time

All right, no more pictures Mom