Monday, April 14, 2008


Just a little video of Sofia clapping. Before, she wouldn't open her hands up when doing Patty-Cake. When we got home tonight, I was praising something she did by saying "Yay Sofia." And, then she started clapping. So I had to get it on video.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Benefit For The MACC

Last night, Lee, Sofia, and I attended a benefit concert for the MACC. Bob Schutt, Dianne Nelson, Kelsey (Ellefson) Dodd, Rode Hard and Put Up Wet, and The Wild Oats all performed. It was the first time The Wild Oats had performed in 18 years. I think they got a larger than expected crowd, which was awesome. The music was great, and all the performers were wonderful. I was especially excited to see Rode Hard play again. I was a bit of a "groupie" back in the day. :) The real excitement was The Wild Oats. The audience was really into it, and they had a large crowd out dancing too. "Elvis" even showed up, and let me just say, the girls went crazy. I think we can say the whole night was a huge success. The only sad thing, though, is that the founder of the two bands, Randy Asche, passed away 8 years ago. He would have loved it. But, I think Randy was looking down on the whole thing and smiling.

I tried to take some pictures. They're not the greatest, but it was the best I could do. I don't exactly have mad camera skills.

Kelsey (Ellefson) Dodd

Bob Schutt (sorry I cut him off) and Dianne Nelson

Rode Hard and Put Up Wet

The Wild Oats (a bit blurry)

The Wild Oats again (well, mostly Carl)

A New Baby!

On Wednesday, our friends Todd and Jolene welcomed the newest member of their family into the world. Brock Stanley Vipond was born Wednesday, April 9 at 1:07 p.m. He weighed in at 9 pounds 6 ounces and was 21 inches long. He is a beautiful boy! He has two older sisters, Lydia and Sadie, who are pretty tickled about their new brother. Congratulations Todd and Jolene!

Tried to catch him before he moved his arm. Didn't work.

Brock Stanley Vipond

Catching a few zzz's. It's been a pretty big day.

Uncle Paul and cousin Bobby looking on.

Some New Pics

Here are a few pics of Sofia that I took on Wednesday. I don't remember if I've mentioned it before, but I don't work Wednesdays, so I get to spend the whole day with Sofia. I absolutely love it!

Saturday, April 5, 2008

9-Month Visit

On March 26th, Sofia and I went to Fargo for her 9-month well baby check. There were no immunizations this time, so that was quite nice. She now weighs 21 pounds and is 28 1/4 inches long. She's in the 80th percentile for weight and the 71st percentile for length. So, her length has finally caught up to her weight. Yeah! The doctor looked her over and said that's she's doing great, that she's perfect. Yup, I knew that. :) It was a great visit. I also had her 9-month photos taken. She did pretty well for that also. She's not as smiley as she used to be, but she's more hesitant around strangers now too. But, I think they turned out pretty cute. Click here to take a look. A good trip, all in all.

Yo Adrian...

it's me Rocky. Well, we now have a dog. Jeanie brought him home from the pound in Fargo because his time was up, and she thought he was too cute to let go. Lee thought we could handle it, so we took him in. So far, I can't say I have any complaints except that he howls at night. But, once he's inside his kennel, he's pretty quiet. He and Lee seem to be pretty good buddies. I rather enjoy him myself; he's pretty funny. And, Sofia really gets a kick out of him and his antics. Jeanie had nicknamed him Eddie, but I thought he looked like a Rocky (my favorite movie, anyhow), and he's part boxer. So, we renamed him Rocky.

Easter Time!

Lee, Sofia, and I went to my parents' for Easter. My mom made a wonderful ham dinner (my favorite), and then we watched a few movies that afternoon. It was a beautiful day, but not yet very "springlike". Oh well, the Easter Bunny found Sofia and gave her a basket, even if it was still pretty cool out.

Sofia and Emma

So, what did you get in your basket?

Hey, let me see yours.

Who? Me? I wasn't doing anything.

Okay, I'll give you your basket back.

9 Months Old!

Well, I know that this is way past due, and I apologize. I wanted to do this about a week ago, which still would have been late, but Lee's grandmother has been in the hospital recently and had surgery. So, we went to see her last Saturday. Thankfully she's doing better now. Then, I came down with the flu. So far Lee and Sofia haven't come down with it, which is great because that was the sickest I've ever been. So, I'm finally getting around to posting.

Sofia turned 9 months old on March 17 (St. Patrick's Day). She still isn't crawling, but pushes herself around backwards and sideways by moving her arms. She can wave bye-bye and do patty-cake. She has also developed a bit of an attitude (wonder where she gets that from?). Let's just say that mealtimes are not much fun sometimes. We plod along, though. But, all in all, it's been wonderful having her in our lives, and I wouldn't trade it for anything. I haven't been the greatest about taking pictures lately, but I will try harder. Anyhow, here are a few.

Getting ready to go out in the cold.

Warden, warden, let me out of this cell.

Showing mom how she's almost ready to stand up in her crib.