Saturday, April 5, 2008

9-Month Visit

On March 26th, Sofia and I went to Fargo for her 9-month well baby check. There were no immunizations this time, so that was quite nice. She now weighs 21 pounds and is 28 1/4 inches long. She's in the 80th percentile for weight and the 71st percentile for length. So, her length has finally caught up to her weight. Yeah! The doctor looked her over and said that's she's doing great, that she's perfect. Yup, I knew that. :) It was a great visit. I also had her 9-month photos taken. She did pretty well for that also. She's not as smiley as she used to be, but she's more hesitant around strangers now too. But, I think they turned out pretty cute. Click here to take a look. A good trip, all in all.