Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Let It Snow

Sorry that it's been a while since updating last. We've been busy, but it doesn't seem like we've really gotten anything accomplished. So it goes... Last week I had Sofia to Sears once again to have more pictures taken. Yes, more pictures. I am so glad she goes along with it. They turned out great. Click here to take a look. And, Santa Claus got to meet his newest good little girl. Sofia had her picture taken and told him what she wanted for Christmas. She did wonderfully! The big guy didn't scare her one bit. And, Santa even commented on how smiley she is! We've been to Fargo a couple of times and visited Lee's Grandma Marcy on Saturday for the Vet's Home Christmas Party. But, I am proud to say we finally purchased a new Christmas Tree. It was time to retire my old "Charlie Brown" tree. One problem though...the new one is so big, we really don't have room for it. I guess we'll figure out something. I know this is a bit of a rambling update, so I apologize. And, I don't have any new pictures to post. :( I promise new and better things next time!