Sunday, December 30, 2007

Merry Christmas Eve!

We spent Christmas Eve with some of Lee's family. Actually, the Sunday before Christmas, his mom, Karen, and Ron stopped in to deliver presents. It wasn't the greatest day for travel, but they made it with gifts in tow. Thanks again! Then, Christmas Eve, we had supper here. Some of Lee's family and Argil were able to have supper with us. Lee took the kids out and pulled them on a sled behind Arg's 4-wheeler, and we opened some gifts later in the evening. Sofia received so many nice things! And, thanks to Argil buying her a toy chest, we now have some place to put them. :) It was a nice evening and a lot of fun.

Lee's mom, Karen, and Ron with Sofia

Our nephew, Carter

Watching the kids open gifts (that's Argil in the background)

Sofia opening her gift (Our neice, Jaden, capturing it with her new camera)

Our neices, Jaden and Mackenna